Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Unique Impression Restaurant

We found this place as we were about to leave Vicksburg although we did not begin to see all the things we wanted our stay was only a stop over on our way home and we crammed as much into our visit as time allowed. There is so much that you can see and do here that a trip to Vicksburg is well worth the time as well as a trip through our rich historical past.
So if you ever get the chance I highly recommend it, you can do it without costing you an arm and a leg.


Enlarge this its worth the read.

The meals here are traditional
southern with plenty put on your plate.
Not at all bad and for 5 bucks to boot.

There was no problem satisfying
our bunch and the atmosphere was
really great in the true southern style.

1 comment:

Brenda Love said...

Thanks for the article on Unique Impressions. Make sure you stop by whenever you are in town.

Brenda Love