Tuesday, July 24, 2007

USS Cairo

USS Cairo was brought up out of the river in 1962 the first time we saw it in the mid 90's there had been very little done to it except for the area in which it has been set up. A lot of work has been done since we saw her last and the canopy has been added. The Iron Clad is a very good example of the new era about to arrive in the US that made everything about the Civil War obsolete.

My grandson Tyler

The amour plating has been
added since the last
time we were there.

As well as the new frame work.

The pilot house where the Capitan
controlled the vessel is also new.

View of the paddle wheel.
Notice that much of the original
wood has been left in tact.

Rudder control rod. The rudder
controlled the direction of the vessel.

The capstan was used for pulling
on the rope to bring the
vessel up next to the dock.

Another view of the paddle wheel.

Top view of the steam drum where
steam was made to run the the
vessels engine.
You can see the paddle wheel
directly behind the drum.

Bottom view of the steam drum.

The steam engine that had pistons
like a car which the steam from the
steam drum was used to push them.

The pistons in the steam engine
turned a shaft which was connected
to a push rod that turned the
paddle wheel.

The end of the push rod attached
to a mount to keep it from moving
so it could turn the paddle wheel.

Below are photos of the original wood.

View of the rudders
that guide the vessel.

Ships bell.

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